Friday, March 6, 2009

Natural Remedy For Anxiety Treatment in 2009

Reading through the topic, I know the question you are asking in your mind is if there Is a natural remedy for anxiety. I will be so glad to tell you this, that there is no sickness in this world that has no natural cure. Come to think of it, that tree planted at the park is worth more than a tree. Inside those tree, leaves and herbs lies the magical content that can cure any ailment of any form.

It's no more a news that anxiety disorders are the most common of all mental health disorder and affects the lives millions of people every year.

There are many different types of anxiety disorders, each of which have unique features, but all of them share the symptoms of excessive fear. Five common types of anxiety disorders are:

• Panic disorder: This is the susceptibility to panic attacks .A condition which somebody has recurrent panic attacks.
• Obsessive-compulsive disorder: This is the psychiatric condition of compulsive behavior. A psychiatric disorder characterized by obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior, for example, continual washing of the hands prompted by a feeling of uncleanliness.
• Post-traumatic stress disorder: This is the condition following trauma. A psychological condition that may affect people who have suffered severe emotional trauma, for example, combat, crime, or natural disaster, and may cause sleep disturbances, flashbacks, anxiety, tiredness, and depression.
• Social anxiety disorder.
• Generalized anxiety disorder.

Symptoms and response to treatment varies with each individual.

There are natural treatments for anxiety which contain herbal ingredients that can produce equal effects when compared with the drugs your doctor prescribed.

• Passion flower: it is also called Passiflora Incarnata. Is a natural ingredient that is often used for anxiety relief . Passion flower helps to calm and soothe and is believed to be able to reduce nervous tremors and lower high blood pressure. Passion fruit is an edible fruit of the passion flower, especially a granadilla.
• Lemon Balm: Is a lemon scented flowering plant .A widely - cultivated plant of the mint family native to southern Europe that has small white or pinkish flowers and lemon -scented leaves .It has long been used in food, as well as in herbal medicines to promote relaxation and sleep. It is also used as a restorative for the nervous system and also calms the digestive system and reduces blood pressure. Lemon Balm has also been used to treat Grave's disease (hyperthyroidism), and to treat depression and insomnia.
• Lavender: Is a plant that has clusters of fragrant bluish purple flowers that produce fragrant oil. The Latin name is called Lavendula officinalis. is one of the most popular natural ingredients for treatment of a variety of conditions, including anxiety disorder. Lavender is a general tonic for the nervous system and is well-known for its calming properties, making it among the most effective of natural panic attack treatments.

In case your condition worsens, you can go for psychotherapy and cranial osteopathy or can consult your physician to get a proper treatment for anxiety.

Alienated State

It is a psychological state in which somebody loses a sense of personal Identity and of reality of the world. Alienated state springs from anxiety condition but it’s not to be mistaken for mental disorder.

It is temporary symptoms and, with patience and understanding, eventually passes like any other symptom. The only way out of alienated state is to surrender to it , to pay it no attention and realize it is just an outcome of an over-tired mind , fatigued by your constant worrying thoughts and the constant checking in to how you feel. This symptom relies on your fear of it to keep it alive.

When people are caught up in the worry triangle, they begin to think deeply. They study themselves from inward, checking in and focusing on their symptoms. They may even wake in the middle of the night only to continue this habit, “How do I feel? “I wonder if I will be able to get through today". What’s this new sensation I feel?" This may go on all day, exhausting their already tired mind further. This constant checking in and constant assessing of their symptoms then becomes a habit, but like all other habits this one can also be changed.

This entire problem is bound to make your mind feel boring and not responding strongly or quickly. Is it any wonder you have come to feel so distanced from your surroundings? Is it any wonder you find it so hard to concentrate?

As I have already told you earlier, your body has a shock absorber that protects it from all this worry and slows the mind down to safeguard itself. It takes a step back from this onslaught, which can then produce your alienated state of mind and the world around you may become imprecise.

Once you understand this symptom as being caused by an over-tired mind, exhausted through worry, that you are not insane and these feelings can’t harm, it makes sense. With the fear factor taken out of this symptom, it can start to loose grip over you and affect you less than it used to do. Although still annoying, you now know why you feel these feelings. Once you learn to accept them and stop adding worrying thoughts to the mix, this is another symptom that you will be able to overcome in time. Taking a step back and giving up the worrying thoughts, gives your mind the chance to rest and return to normal condition.

You must also learn to get busier and stop brooding on this and other symptoms. Being active gives you another focus. Having too much time on your hands can open the door to too much useless thinking. With less worry and fear of this harmless but upsetting symptom, you should be able to overcome it.