Friday, March 6, 2009

Alienated State

It is a psychological state in which somebody loses a sense of personal Identity and of reality of the world. Alienated state springs from anxiety condition but it’s not to be mistaken for mental disorder.

It is temporary symptoms and, with patience and understanding, eventually passes like any other symptom. The only way out of alienated state is to surrender to it , to pay it no attention and realize it is just an outcome of an over-tired mind , fatigued by your constant worrying thoughts and the constant checking in to how you feel. This symptom relies on your fear of it to keep it alive.

When people are caught up in the worry triangle, they begin to think deeply. They study themselves from inward, checking in and focusing on their symptoms. They may even wake in the middle of the night only to continue this habit, “How do I feel? “I wonder if I will be able to get through today". What’s this new sensation I feel?" This may go on all day, exhausting their already tired mind further. This constant checking in and constant assessing of their symptoms then becomes a habit, but like all other habits this one can also be changed.

This entire problem is bound to make your mind feel boring and not responding strongly or quickly. Is it any wonder you have come to feel so distanced from your surroundings? Is it any wonder you find it so hard to concentrate?

As I have already told you earlier, your body has a shock absorber that protects it from all this worry and slows the mind down to safeguard itself. It takes a step back from this onslaught, which can then produce your alienated state of mind and the world around you may become imprecise.

Once you understand this symptom as being caused by an over-tired mind, exhausted through worry, that you are not insane and these feelings can’t harm, it makes sense. With the fear factor taken out of this symptom, it can start to loose grip over you and affect you less than it used to do. Although still annoying, you now know why you feel these feelings. Once you learn to accept them and stop adding worrying thoughts to the mix, this is another symptom that you will be able to overcome in time. Taking a step back and giving up the worrying thoughts, gives your mind the chance to rest and return to normal condition.

You must also learn to get busier and stop brooding on this and other symptoms. Being active gives you another focus. Having too much time on your hands can open the door to too much useless thinking. With less worry and fear of this harmless but upsetting symptom, you should be able to overcome it.

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